
Subscriber information

Use these sample subscribers to populate the subscriber details in the WebUI, selecting default options for other parameters. These sample subscribers are configured for testing with UERANSIM.

Subscriber 1

Subscriber 1 connects to slice 1 with SNSSAI of 1-000001.

IMSI: 001010000000001
Key: 465B5CE8B199B49FAA5F0A2EE238A6BC
OPC: E8ED289DEBA952E4283B54E88E6183CA
SST: 1
SD: 000001
DNN/APN: internet
Type: ipv4

Subscriber 2

Subscriber 2 connects to slice 2 with SNSSAI of 2-000002.

IMSI: 001010000000002
Key: B199B49F465B5CE8E238A6BCAA5F0A2E
OPC: 283B54E8E8ED289D8E6183CAEBA952E4
SST: 2
SD: 000002
DNN/APN: streaming
Type: ipv4